Property Cleaning Services in Fulham

If your home needs a thorough cleaning but you don’t have the time to do a proper house cleaning, then you can always try the professional services of our company. We are capable of taking the best care of your home and make the entire place sparkling clean.

No matter how bad your house looks, you can be sure that our amazing cleaners will deal with any stain and mess in no time. Whenever we clean your house, you can be sure that only the biggest professionals in Fulham will do the housekeeping chores instead of you.

All of our cleaners are dedicated to their work and they share our company’s determination to achieve the best results when it comes to cleaning. To prove that our house cleaning service is with a very high quality, we always use commercial cleaning tools and products with a very high quality.

House Cleaning 10% off
Regular Cleaning £22
One Off Cleaning £22
Deep Cleaning £159

    This way we are always sure that even the toughest stain will be gone in an instant. Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy our wonderful house cleaning service and save some time and energy while our experts take care of your precious home.

    We know that trust is a key element in this business. This is why we can assure you that you can rely on our cleaners anytime and they will not let you down. We are a cleaning company which has many years of experience in this field and thanks to our knowledge and skills we can give any house or apartment a picture-worthy look. We encourage you to give us a chance to prove you that we are the best cleaning company in entire Fulham.


    • What does your house cleaning include?
    • Our cleaning service includes domestic duties such as wiping cabinets and cupboards, polishing the kitchen appliances, hoovering the carpets, washing the hard floors, cleaning the bathroom, scrubbing the tiles, dusting, etc. However, if the customer provides us with a to-do list, we will be happy to work as per their request.
    • Who is going to clean my home?
    • The cleaning session will be carried out by a team of hard-working and diligent experts with wide expertise in house cleaning. Being professionally trained, they are able to tackle all types of domestic chores quickly and efficiently. For your peace of mind, all our representatives are background checked and have clear criminal records.
    • Do I need to provide any supplies for the cleaning session?
    • No. Our cleaning crew will arrive at your address armed with the necessary arsenal. All materials, required for the cleaning session are included in the price. As our main objective is to ensure a healthy living environment for every client, we work only with environmentally responsible products.

    Book our house cleaning service and we will work hard to provide the most satisfying results in no time. We are ready to fit your busy schedule and clean your home whenever it is most convenient for you.

    Even though the excellence of our work is incomparable, we always offer our clients very budget-friendly fees. In addition to our regular cleaning, we also offer one-off cleaning sessions. Give us a call and expect the best professional service in entire SW6.

    “My wife is too busy with the kids and I wanted to help her in the household. I couldn’t imagine it’s that hard to take care of the household and I really couldn’t manage, especially the kitchen. I used your kitchen cleaning services and my wife couldn’t recognize even the kitchen! Great job! – Jon”

    “Cooking with children is equal to a mess in the kitchen. I decided that I need to make a deep cleaning in the kitchen and I opt for your kitchen cleaning services. Admittedly, I didn’t expect such a great results. Moreover, your team was really pleasant people. The best kitchen cleaning services ever! – Barbara”