Property Cleaning Services in East Sheen

When people are too occupied with professional duties, they simply are not able to add cleaning to their to-do list. At our company, we understand that having the right professional cleaning service in such moments is essential. Our customised house cleaning services in East Sheen allow you to focus on your profession without being haunted by the thought of cleaning.

We are the cleaning company that understands your individual needs and provides you with a reliable cleaning solution. For your peace of mind, we have extensive experience in the area as well as hundreds of satisfied customers. When you work with us you can be confident that your home will receive the attention it deserves.

Every time you need some extra help with the regular domestic duties, just dial our number and your trusted housekeepers will be at your doorstep before you know it.

House Cleaning 10% off
Regular Cleaning £22
One Off Cleaning £22
Deep Cleaning £159

    We can assist you with one-off sessions as well as with house cleaning on regular basis. It is up to you to decide how often you want to use our services, we are flexible enough to meet your requirements.

    It goes without saying that you would like to know more about the entrusted cleaning experts in SW14. As a cleaning company committed to customer satisfaction, we collaborate only with reliable and knowledgeable individuals. All of them pass extensive indoor training and learn to deal with a variety of domestic chores in a professional and prompt manner.

    Our representatives are punctual, well-mannered and flexible. You can count on them also on weekends and bank holidays. For your convenience, cleaning equipment is also included in the price of our service. You only need to open the front door and our qualified cleaners will take it from there.


    • What does your house cleaning include?
    • Our cleaning service includes domestic duties such as wiping cabinets and cupboards, polishing the kitchen appliances, hoovering the carpets, washing the hard floors, cleaning the bathroom, scrubbing the tiles, dusting, etc. However, if the customer provides us with a to-do list, we will be happy to work as per their request.
    • Who is going to clean my home?
    • The cleaning session will be carried out by a team of hard-working and diligent experts with wide expertise in house cleaning. Being professionally trained, they are able to tackle all types of domestic chores quickly and efficiently. For your peace of mind, all our representatives are background checked and have clear criminal records.
    • Do I need to provide any supplies for the cleaning session?
    • No. Our cleaning crew will arrive at your address armed with the necessary arsenal. All materials, required for the cleaning session are included in the price. As our main objective is to ensure a healthy living environment for every client, we work only with environmentally responsible products.

    During the cleaning session will be performed domestic chores such as cleaning the kitchen area, general tidying of all other rooms, hoovering carpets, washing hard floors, cleaning the bathroom, scrubbing the tiles, dusting, changing linen, removing any cobwebs and much more.

    Yet, our team can also work as per your request if this is what you prefer. Share your desired cleaning duties with our call centre agents and they will give our team the respective instructions. We are certain that you will enjoy working with us.

    “After we repaired the kitchen I really needed some help to manage to put everything in order. I contacted your kitchen cleaning services and we made an appointment. Your crew was on time, they cleaned everything with special detergents and even helped me to put some things on the right places. I can’t ask for more! – Jessica”

    “I’m really glad that I booked kitchen cleaning services and did business with you. You provided me the best possible prices on the market. Your team was punctual, accurate and all were smiley and talkative people. This was the deepest cleaning in my kitchen’s life. Before I even had forgot the colour of my oven. Great job! – Joe”